COCKTAIL Le choix des musiques du cocktail est très important pour moi. Cela donne le ton du mariage dès les premiers instants. Let’s play TORNADOES bustin' surfboardsFEIST 1234BARETO la voz del sinchiLINDA SCOTT i've told every little starCHARLIE STEINMANN it is such a good nightGENERATIONALS when they fight they fightCONNIE FRANCIS stupid cupidM sous ta peauSAM COOKE wonderful worldMENAHAN STREET BAND make the road by walkingROLLING STONES off the hookDOJO CUTS my love is all about youEELS my timing is offLOUIS ARMSTRONG & ELLA FITZGERALD cheek to cheekVELVET UNDERGROUND sunday morningBOB MARLEY is this loveMAYER HAWTHORNE a long timeMAJOR LAZER get freeAL GREEN let's stay togetherALI FARKA TOURE soumbou ya yaBILLY PAUL your songALINE je bois et puis je danseNAT KING COLE l o v eLOUIS PRIMA nothing's too good for my babyDIONNE WARWICK walk on byURGE OVERKILL girl, you'll be a woman soonMETERS look-ka-py-pyBOBBY WOMACK stupidAARON NEVILLE herculesWALK THE LINE get rhythmNICOLA CONTE bossa per dueDAVID BOWIE lady stardustBILLY PRESTON billy's bagBLACK KEYS everlasting lightRICHARD BERRY doin' itB ALONE time is loveJAMES BROWN the bossHOLLYWOOD SPECTRUM la – usaKINKS long tall shortyHERMAN DÜNE not on top